Update of libraries and X-Window installs to match IBM Content Foundation 5.5.3 requirements
To install xterm use the following command:
yum install xterm
Enter y to confirm the installation of the xterm libraries. Enter y to import the GPG encryption decoding key required. Then the installation of the xterm libraries is completed.
See https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3887371 for RHEL 8.x
Note: Installation of X-Windows xclock is no longer available. Installing “xorg-x11-apps” package in RHEL9
Resolution: xorg-x11-apps package is deprecated in RHEL9. Use xterm or any other GUI application to test SSH X11Forwarding. If required, install the xterm libraries:
yum install gtk2 libXtst xorg-x11-fonts-Type1
ARCH32=$(uname -m | sed -e
yum install gtk3.$ARCH32

The following commands were then used, in turn, to install the libraries.
Note: Some were found to be installed already.
yum install libXtst.$ARCH32
yum install libXft.$ARCH32
See the Appendix A of https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21708.16001
Case Manager 5.3.3 Installation on RHEL 8.0 with Content Navigator 3.0.6 for the full output. See the following for an overview of the RHEL 8 installation guidelines:
4.5.2 Boot Node requirements
The details in the BPB publication, IBM DB2 Administration Guide (ISBN 978-93-55511-669), Chapter 2: On-Premise Server Configurations and Prerequisites, section 2.1.8 RedHat OpenShift server cluster requirements, Figure 2.17. The table of requirements published by Red Hat for the cluster servers covers the Hardware prerequisites for the Boot Node and other cluster server requirements.
We used 8 cores, 20GByte of memory and 300 GBytes drive for the MasterBoot server which was created. After the installation of the base RHEL 8.x system we update using:
dnf -y update
4.5.3 Installing bind and configure to create a DNS Server
This section is fully screenshotted in pages 42 to 57 of the document, CENTOS8-0InstallationForIBMCloudPrivateandIBMFileNetP8CPITInstallationV2.docx.
Note: This section is only applied to the Master Boot server.
The installation of the DNS bind service is required, using the command:
dnf -y install bind*