4.2.1 The IBM Cloud Dashboard
The top-level link as follows describes the DB2 Graph installation:
The next link describes the use of the IBM Cloud Dashboard to access the docker DB2 graph container:
The procedure followed in this section, is covered in full in Chapter 4, IBM DB2 Installation Platforms, section 4.6.1: The IBM Cloud Dashboard of the BPB Publication, IBM DB2 Administration Guide (ISBN 978-93-55511-669).

  1. Create an IBM Cloud account:
    (Or login using the log in link) The IBM Cloud Dashboard is displayed.
  2. Install the IBM Cloud command line tools following the directions at Getting started with the IBM Cloud CLI.
    Use the following command to download and install the client:
    curl -fsSL https://clis.cloud.ibm.com/install/linux | sh
  3. To verify the installation to ensure that IBM Cloud CLI was installed successfully, run the help command:
    ibmcloud help
  4. Log in to the IBM Cloud system:
    ibmcloud login -a cloud.ibm.com -sso
    Run the following command and follow the instructions for entering your authentication code, shown in Figure 4.2:

Figure 4.2: The IBM Cloud login command is run to connect to the IBM Cloud system

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud page from the generated URL link above:
    Then copy the One-Time password. The One-time passcode is copied to paste into the prompt, enter a number shown as follows, in Figure 4.3:

Figure 4.3: The user is prompted to enter the required region (you can press the enter key to skip)

  1. Press Enter to skip selecting a region, and the successful login is displayed, as illustrated in Figure 4.4:

Figure 4.4: The IBM Cloud CLI displays the status of the successful login

  1. Update to the latest container registry plugin by running the following command:
    ibmcloud plugin install container-registry -r ‘IBM Cloud’
  2. Then enter the commands as follows:
    ibmcloud cr region-set global
    ibmcloud plugin show container-registry
    The status and version of the container-registry plugin is displayed.
  3. The Login to the IBM Container Registry area is displayed using the command:
    ibmcloud cr login
    As an example, we retrieve the DB2 Graph container image from the IBM Cloud:
    docker pull icr.io/obs/hdm/db2graph:latest-amd64
    The docker pull command above, is used to download the DB2 Graph container. To Install DB2Graph on Linux, See:
    [root@ECMUKDEMO2022 opt]# docker run -it –net=host -v /opt:/db2graph –name=db2graph -e LICENSE=view icr.io/obs/hdm/db2graph:latest-amd64
    The IBM DB2 Graph version downloaded is displayed as part of the much bigger license information. The license defines the IBM DB2 program components included as shown in Figure 4.5:

Figure 4.5: The license lists the IBM DB2 Graph components included
Note: After viewing the license, press Ctrl + P and Ctrl + Q to exit and leave DB2 Graph running in the container.
Set up the ports:
docker run -it –hostname=ecmukdemo2022 -v /opt:/db2graph –name=db2graph -p 8182:8182 -p 3000:3000 -e LICENSE=view icr.io/obs/hdm/db2graph:latest-amd64
Only ever change the left-hand side of -p 8182:8182 and -p 3000:3000 to change the public port used for Db2 Graph. Restart the container by running the command:
docker exec -it db2graph manage restart