5.1.2 Resources
The following web page (Resource list – IBM Cloud) can be launched:
A login to the IBM Cloud will be needed, see Chapter 4, Installation Downloads, section 4.2.2, Kubernetes. This page shows any existing Storage already created. On the top right of the resources page, select the Create resource button. On the next web page displayed (Catalog – IBM Cloud) https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog the required resources are displayed in a menu of IBM Cloud products.
The related IBM Cloud Catalog resources can then be selected by clicking on the resource type from the list.
5.1.3 Cloud Foundry
In the Catalog Search screen, the search for Cloud Foundry lists the icon with the name Cloud Foundry as the first icon in the list. This icon takes you to the Cloud Foundry page (Cloud Foundry – IBM Cloud) with the URL link:
This provides a fully IBM Cloud Based system for deploying enterprise applications. From IBM’s web page description:
Create and deploy apps on IBM Cloud’s multi-tenant Cloud Foundry environment available in 5 IBM Cloud Regions. Get started in minutes by deploying your applications and let IBM Cloud manage them for you.
The pricing for this can be found here (IBM Cloud Foundry Public Pricing Updates | IBM) https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/announcements/ibm-cloud-foundry-public-pricing-updates.
Note that IBM Cloud Foundry is available for free with an IBM Cloud Lite Account. Select the Create command button on the right-hand side of the web page. This takes you to the URL link (Cloud Foundry – IBM Cloud):
The sizing options are shown in the main panel of the page. Standard pricing is shown under the panel section, this shows the price in US dollars per GByte-hour for a Standard 256 Mbytes.
Scrolling down gives the application base systems available.
Note: The hostname, you have to enter, must contain only alphanumeric characters and dash characters, must not begin or end with the dash character, and cannot be more than 63 characters long
The default application was left as, Liberty for the Java development environment. Enter the required fields and tags and click create at the bottom right of the page. This takes you to a getting started page with a full step-by-step tutorial with the required IBM Cloud CLI steps required to use the Cloud server you created.
The installation shows the status as Running and the Visit APP URL provides web-based access to the server on the IBM Cloud, unique to your machine deployment.