4.2.2 Kubernetes
The following links (Getting started with IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service | IBM Cloud Docs) describe the procedures for setting up a free Kubernetes cluster:
In outline, this is as follows:

  1. After navigating to the IBM Cloud Catalog page, as described in section 4.2.5, search for the Kubernetes Service which will allow you to select the Cluster service.
  2. From the pricing plan dropdown, select the Free cluster option.
  3. Give your cluster a unique name, for example: asb-free-cluster.
  4. Select a resource group to create the cluster in, for example, default.
  5. In the Summary pane, review the order summary and then click Create. A worker pool is created that contains one worker node in the default resource group.
    To deploy the sample java application to Kubernetes, look at the following link in the IBM web page:
    https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/kubernetes#toc-kubernetes-ar_KUVZB and scroll down to the seventh heading for a link to the Java source code. (“Kubernetes GitHub commits and more evidence of surging popularity” https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes)
    • The registration namespace name can be found by running:
    ibmcloud cr namespaces
    Or create a new namespace using:
    ibmcloud cr namespace-add mynamespace
  6. The Container Registry is found by running:
    ibmcloud cr info
    This could be something like:
    • Build and tag (using the -t option) the docker image by running the following command replacing REGISTRY and NAMESPACE with the values obtained in steps 1 and 2 above.
    docker build . -t //myapp:v1.0.0
    for example
    docker build . -t registry.ng.bluemix.net/mynamespace/myapp:v1.0.0
    • Push the docker image to the Container Registry on the IBM Cloud:
    docker push //myapp:v1.0.0
    4.2.3 VPC infrastructure
    The following outline procedure can be used to create a Virtual Private Cloud system:
    See: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/containers?topic=containers-getting-started
  1. Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on generation 2 compute.
  2. Navigate to the VPC create console.
  3. Give the VPC a name and select a resource group to deploy the VPC into.
  4. Give the VPC subnet a name and select the location where you want to create the cluster.
  5. Attach a public gateway to your subnet so that you can access public endpoints from your cluster. This public gateway is used later on to access container images from Docker Hub.
  6. Click on the link, Create virtual private cloud.