5.2.4 Docker run command
The run command can be used to run a container-based script, for example for the IBM Cloud private container to view the container license.
View the license:
docker run -e LICENSE=view -e LANG=$LANG ibmcom/icp-inception:3.2.0
[root@ECMUKDEMO9 cluster]# docker run -e LICENSE=view -e LANG=$LANG ibmcom/icp-inception:3.2.0
The Programs listed following are licensed under the following License Information terms and conditions in addition to the Program license terms previously agreed to by Client and IBM et cetera
5.3 RedHat OpenShift Cluster Management
This section covers the RedHat OpenShift Cluster system platform.
5.3.1 Boot node requirements
The details in the BPB publication, IBM DB2 Administration Guide (ISBN 978-93-55511-669), Chapter 2: On-Premise Server Configurations and Prerequisites, section 2.1.8 RedHat OpenShift server cluster requirements, Figure 2.17. The table of requirements published by Red Hat for the cluster servers covers the hardware prerequisites for the Boot Node and other cluster server requirements.
The system is using 8 cores, 20GByte of memory and 300 GBytes drive for the MasterBoot server for this example. After the installation of the base RHEL 8.x system, we update using:
dnf -y update
5.3.2 Internet and telemetry access
From OpenShift Container Platform version 4.7, onwards, the telemetry service provides metrics about the cluster health and the success of updates. This requires Internet access and runs automatically if the internet is accessible, providing that the cluster is registered to the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager (OCM).
On confirmation that your Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct (maintained automatically by telemetry or manually by using OCM), then you can use the subscription watch to track the OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.
5.3.3 Minimum resource requirements
Although an OpenShift 4.x cluster use 856 GB of storage, the bootstrap node is destroyed during the cluster installation process. A minimum of 800 GB of storage is required to use a standard cluster.
For the procedure followed in section 5.6 Install IBM Private Cloud, below, for a single node installation, the host must have at least 8 CPU cores and 30 GBytes of RAM with 120 GBytes of disk storage.
5.3.4 Certificate signing requests
This is covered in detail in Chapter 2, On-Premise Server Configurations and Prerequisites, section 2.3.11 Generating an SSH private key.