4.5.4 Configuring the firewall
The firewall has to be enabled for the DNS service:
firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-service=dns
And reload the configuration:
firewall-cmd –reload
4.5.5 Back up the main configuration files
Make an initial backup copy of the main bind config files:
cp /etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf_bck
cp /etc/named.rfc1912.zones /etc/named.rfc1912.zones_bck
4.5.6 Set up the DNS server with a static IP address
See also Appendix B of the free download of the document at the link:
Case Manager 5.3.3 Installation on RHEL 8.0 with Content Navigator 3.0.6
The full instructions for setting up the DNS server are covered in Chapter 4: IBM DB2 Installation Platforms, section 4.3.7, Set up the DNS server with a static IP address, through to section 4.3.10, Configuration for a Single DNS server, in the BPB publication, IBM DB2 Administration Guide (ISBN 978-93-55511-669).
4.5.7 Installing Docker 18.09.2 on CentOS 8.0
The full instructions for Installing Docker 18.09.2 are covered in Chapter 4: IBM DB2 Installation Platforms, section 4.3.11, Installing Docker 18.09.2 on CentOS 8.0, in the BPB publication, IBM DB2 Administration Guide (ISBN 978-93-55511-669).
4.5.8 Installing IBM Private Cloud
This section has complete step-by-step screenshots on pages 65 to 118 of the document, CENTOS8-0InstallationForIBMCloudPrivateandIBMFileNetP8CPITInstallationV2.docx entitled IBM Cloud Private P8 Container CPIT Installation on CENTOS Linux 8.0.
Downloadable from: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.20256.94729
Also, see: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSBS6K_3.2.0/installing/upgrade_ce.html
See also: IBM DB2 Administration Guide, Chapter 2, On-Premise Server Configurations and Prerequisites sections 2.1.9, RedHat OpenShift sever cluster requirements and section 2.3, RedHat OpenShift 4.x installs and Chapter 4, IBM DB2 Installation Platforms, sections 4.3, IBM Cloud Private installation , section 4.4, Install IBM Private Cloud and section 4.5, Red Hat Linux 8.0 installation on VMWare (ISBN 978-93-55511-669)
4.6 Red Hat Linux 8.x installation on VMWare
In this book, Chapter 2: On-Premise Server Configurations and Prerequisites, section 2.1 RedHat Server(s) required for the Installations covers the Installation of RHEL 8.0.
This section is covered in the free download from the URL: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21708.16001 titled Case Manager 5.3.3 Installation on RHEL 8.0 with Content Navigator 3.0.6.
(NB above describes the installation of the base RHEL 8.0 Linux system on pages 7 to 38 of the downloaded document, CaseManagerInstallationonRHEL8.0_V3.docx)
The following is a link to a useful Red Hat publication:
This can be used to download a pdf document, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Configuring basic system settings.