5.1.8 Billing and usage – Cloud pricing

The IBM link as follows shows the billing and usage help for the IBM cloud products supplied:


To see the account billing information, go to the menu Manage | Billing usage (https://cloud.ibm.com/billing). This shows the status and usage graphs.

Note: For a free (lite) account only the Billing and Usage menu is relevant.

5.2 Docker commands

The following section lists the main Docker commands used in the installation of IBM software container systems.

5.2.1 Docker pull command

This pull command retrieves an internet stored Docker container after logging into docker, using the command with a specific container image reference, for example for the IBM Cloud Private container:

docker pull ibmcom/icp-inception

The OpenLDAP 1.2.5 container, also required to support IBM FileNet can be downloaded using (see https://hub.docker.com/r/osixia/openldap/) using:

docker pull osixia/openldap

The IBM DB2 Developer version container can also be downloaded, it requires the docker login command to be issued first (see Chapter 4, Installation Downloads, section 4.3.1 Docker account creation, above):

docker login

docker pull ibmcom/db2

Use the down-arrow to select the bottom option to use. The docker.io/ibmcom/db2:latest container is selected from the list. The return key is used to select the chosen container to import.

To start the DB2 container, follow the procedure in Chapter 4, Installation Downloads, section, 4.3.2, Installing Docker, as follows. Create a Database Storage Disk of 100 GBytes (SCSI). Change the permissions on the db2data mount point:

chmod 775 -R /mnt

Change the group ownership to the wasadm administrator group:

sudo chown root:wasadm db2data

Copy an example file to check access:

cp /home/wasadm/server.crt /mnt/db2ata

Install the pulled db2 container:

docker run -itd –name mydb2 –privileged=true -p 50000:50000 -e LICENSE=accept -e DB2INST1_PASSWORD=filenet123!
-e DBNAME=testdb -v /mnt/db2data:/database ibmcom/db2

Use the log view command to tail the DB2 installation logs:

docker logs -f mydb2

The /mnt/db2data top-level directory now has the DB2 container data folders on the host Linux server.